Chosil Kil-Work

Ducks and DrakesDucks and DrakesChosil Kil The eagle has landedSingles DoublesDoublesOut of OfficeDucks and DrakesDucks and DrakesDucks and DrakeschosilchosilChosil Kil, The eagle has landedChosil Kil, The eagle has landedChosil Kil, The eagle has landedDucks and DrakesChosil Kil, The eagle has landedA Cloud of Unnameable FeelingGlassesYou know there is yolk inside an eggThe Piled, No.5The Piled, No.5Treated Objects, A HalfConcerning Disagreeable Being # 3EarringsTreated Objects, A HalfConcerning Disagreeable Being # 2, 2009 A layer of papers in order of off-white to whiteConcerning Disagreeable Being # 1, 2009  A box filled with yellow and red objects