1967年12月9日 ゼロ次元(加藤好弘)「全裸防毒面歩行儀式」(撮影:羽永光利)
ART PHOTO TOKYO -edition zero- /Booth 311(茅場町共同ビルディング・東京)
11.17 – 20, 2016
Booth: 3F, 311
First Choice: 15:00-17:00
Opening Reception: 18:00-21:00
開場時間:11月18日(金)・19日(土) | 12:00 – 20:00
11月20日(日) | 12:00 – 17:00
〒103-0025 東京都中央区日本橋茅場町1丁目6-12
More info:ART PHOTO TOKYO -edition zero-
田中功起, I considered the title of this work but it never come up. Following things could be related to the title.
1) I love to go out from the exhibition space because of BankART facing the sea.
2)There are so many trashes which some artists made and showed as art work before in BankART.
3) I want to make a raft using those trashes.
4) I think it’s not a question that the raft float on water or not but it’s good to be floating there., 2007, 400x600mm, ed.5
折元立身, The Document of ANIMAL ART 1978 – 2014 (LIMITED BOX), 2015, Movies, Catalogue raisonne, Photo, Box made of paulownia
橋本聡, Photographer: Bodybuilder, 2012, 73.8×110.8cm, ed.2of 5